Saturday, July 21, 2007

Brasil politics

Directory of General BlogsWell Brazil announced plans to expand the money into aviation.But it looks like they already did that back in April of this year only to have it cut and the funds go to the military. Who by the way run the air traffic.Wow just like the USA the military gets it uses it for nothing but war games and then claims they cant do it because they don't have the money.Looks like these accidents are from the military complex of Brazil .Just like the USA Iraq problems.Maybe the USA could have done better if they new where the trillions of dollars that are missing went.
Maybe the lost money bought some sandwiches for the poor or some books for the undereducated. LETS BE SURE IT DID NT HELP PAY TAXES OR FIX ANY ROADS AND DID NOT BETTER THE LIVES OF AMERICANS.

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