Friday, August 3, 2007

A Bridge of Shame

Directory of General Blogs
If I didn't do my job(when I was working)I would be let go for neglect or insubordination.Why do the voters allow the same politicians to stay in POWER?You need to vote them out.The country was designed to replace politicians not for it to become a career.
So now a bridge falls and kills who knows how many at this point.We pay taxes and extra taxes in gas revenue to make these road repairs and that includes bridges to be replaced when the are in disrepair.The politicians that pork the money to there special interest groups need to be fired too.
It won;t happen until the voters change their attitude.The last two times I voted I did not vote for one person that was currently in seat.I always vote to put someone new in.These old cronies have enough and we need a fresh AMERICA.Not a walker politician that never sees the real people.CHANGE THE VOTE

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