Friday, August 3, 2007

Same ole Brasil

This is normal.When the poor paid employees don't like something they strike.Not like here where you are afraid you would loose your job.Of course you would.Brazilians have more rights than Americans hands down.If you get fired in Brasil you continue to get paid for a long time.Even if you get another job.Ans they get up to 6 months vacation a year paid.If they decide to work they get paid triple time and if a holiday happens to come they get it off and get paid too.
The American government in Brasil gets Brasilian and American holidays and get paid.In Brasil there are lots of holidays so we pay government people to live in Brazil and work total of 5 months.
Sign me up
clipped from

SAO PAULO, Aug. 3 (UPI) --
A subway strike that brought Brazil's largest city to a standstill ended Friday after two days of gridlock and long lines at bus stops.

The workers returned to the job decided to return to work Friday evening after forcing two of the city's four main subways to shut down.

Sao Paulo state Gov. Jose Serra said that the workers who went on strike would be fired, Agencia Estado reported Friday.

Subway workers went on strike after demanding, then not receiving, bonuses that were promised to them.

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