Healthcare conflict
I ahve an friend who is trying to help a disabled person.He is confined to a wheelcare .He has had 27 surgeries so far.I asked her to send me more information on him and to include some pictures.Why? Because this guy seems caught in the trap.Cant get money or taxes and disability payment eats it.He lives in a garden shed on some land that someone lets him stay for free.A garden shed and hes confined to a wheelchair.
People are trying to help .They bargained for a foundation on this land to build a small home.Government interfered again.Now I said maybe someone can set up a trust fund for him?Anyone know?
He seems in a rut and stuck.How can out government give 20 billion dollars to a rich nation like Saudi Arabia and 30 billion to ISRAEL and not take care of there own people?Oh yeah this is in Texas too.
I will post some pics as soon as they arrive and update the information.I just found out today.Keep looking and when the pics are up maybe someone will have some info on what may be done.
Thanks and god bless