Monday, July 30, 2007


Honda announced that in 2010 a diesel Honda accord will be available that gets a whopping 62.8 MPG.
I know i put 63 but imagine what some people that fine tune there cars will get 75 85 MPG? It is strange that the so called big 3 haven't even come close.When are the old executives going to let new fresh ideas come in and get this American market booming?
Of course diesel is more expensive here in the US and for what i don't know.Any other country the diesel is cheaper.Maybe the refiners turn oil into gas first and then revert it back to diesel.You see diesel is cheaper to manufacture than gas but then since the trucks and farm machinery use diesel the big conglomerates want to squeeze all those pennies from your wallet.
But at least we will have a better manufactured car that lasts longer and gets better MPG than the BIG 3.Directory of General Blogs

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