Sunday, May 27, 2007


Married 20 years and still in love. Sure we fight, argue and such but i still love her.I was a dedicated bachelor for 30 years and fell head over heels in love. My mother worried I was gay(not that there is anything wrong with that) but I just hadn't met the one.Until I heard her voice.Complete accident it was.I was at an older friends apartment and his 7th prospective wife called. However she did not speak English.Seems this guy had wives all over the world.And he didn't speak Portuguese either.Well my wife spoke English ,a little and would translate from Brazil for them.So I answered the phone while he is in the shower and bam it happened just had to know her.
Started calling her ,writing her ,bought an English/Portuguese dictionary,listening to other Brazilians speak and in about a year went down to Brazil met her family and got married in three weeks.She is from a prominent family and they didn't like me until they met me and ALLOWED her to marry me.By the way none of her family wants to live in the USA .But a few did come to visit us.Now Im stuck here away from her and my 2 children. They go to school there now. I could not put up with the school system here anymore.It has really become just a meeting place for kids.No discipline allowed they wear any clothes they like and the school teaches NOTHING. Thats why we put them in BRAZIL. They teach respect there.And teach.

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