Sunday, May 27, 2007


I worked for a company in Wisconsin that used as much as possible recycled items .This was in the late 80s. Well they had a maintenance fellow there who was short some change if you know what i mean.After hearing complaints from a few other people that items were missing mainly electrical things, someone decided to have a group meeting.Well the president himself asked for everyone to explain why things were missing and no one could come up with an explanation.After this time passed someone in the front office complained that whenever they where in the meeting room that that coffee maker and lights would turnoff or on for no reason.
1year passes nothing is fixed, then someone in the back work area started to complain that there area lighting would turn off and not turn back on at strange times.
So a professional electrician was called in.
He discovered that the handyman had use drop light wiring to install light fixture in the front meeting room and used a light socket in the attic/storage room to be the power source.In the back room he used 2 different breaker in line to power that area. The company never used recycled items again. BE CAREFUL HOW TO SAVE MONEY

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