Friday, June 1, 2007

WELL well well

Here it is June 1 and no end in site for me.I would like someone to at least post a comment that way I would know that I am communicating with somebody.Today i got a bill for 32 dollars.Seems everyone is after money i don't have Hey i have 32.00 for the next two weeks.Going to have to sell something.I cant work because a brain injury it is too difficult to concentrate for long periods of time and i have a headache that just gets bigger at the little bit of stress.This blogging helps me relax but truthfully I have to go back and read it to remember what i said.Plus my back was injured in the wreck to .Its in an earlier posting so that puts me out of standing for any period of time.So the state says i'm too injured to work so i get no unemployment.whats YOU SAY.that's RIGHT IF YOU ARE to injured that you can not work then they want you to go to the soc security AND they say i can flip burgers Yeah right.So i fill out an application and they say i am a high risk so they cant hire me and that no one probably will. I need to sell this house or rent it so i can go home please someone help meTechnorati Profile

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