Money lost? First it was 1 trillion dollars missing as per the bush administration.Reported by Mr rumsfield.Now there is 2.3 trillion missing also as per the gao.Under the watchful eye of some dual national guy appointd to his position.By the way he resigned.Why is no one doing anything? Oh and also there is 190000 weapons missing in IRAQ.WTF?> And the guy in charge of handling the weapons at the time? Guess who. The same general in charge of Iraq now. gen P. So where does this money come from? And who is it going to?Lots of questions and no one is asking.Are you afraid? I am.Because if i was to lose that kind of change heads would roll but when government employees lose it nothing,NOTHING.happens Call and voice your opinion now and come election time vote them all out. Its time for a real change. Lets take America back |
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